Who Serves America's Best Hot Dogs? You Tell Us!
What's your favorite hot dog shop? Hot dogs are one of America's perfect foods, and we're thankful to live in a land with hundreds of standalone hot dog stands and restaurants. We've built a survey that includes more than 200 hot dog shops from around the country, and we'd like you to take it and vote for your favorites! Here's the link:
America's Best Hot Dogs Survey
On our quest to find America's best hot dogs, our survey is made up of hot dog places with a definitive style of hot dog, one which embodies not only the region's quirks but also the particular tastes and culinary traditions of its people. We made sure to take into account online reviews from locals as well as the dog's overall reputation among those in the know, and the quality of the ingredients — namely, sourcing the franks from well-known local producers — was also important. When you're voting, be sure to take into account the entire experience, from driving up to the restaurant (or standing to place your order) to taking that first bite. We also made sure to build on our previous years' rankings (find rankings from 2013 here, 2014 here, and 2015 here).
So click here to take our survey, and check The Daily Meal later this month to find out who the winners are!