Spice Up Your Life With Doritos' New Wasabi-Flavored Chips

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There are two types of people in this world: those who like wasabi on their sushi, and those who stay as far away from it as possible. For those who fall into the first category: Listen up. The deliciously cheesy Doritos that are near and dear to our snack-loving hearts have gotten an oddball makeover. For a limited time only, the tortilla chips will be available in wasabi flavor.

Junk food Instagram @candyhunting posted a photo of the chips after spotting them in-store on October 3. "Limited Time Only Wasabi Doritos are out now at Walmart!" the account wrote. The spicy snack can also be picked up at Sam's Club and ordered off Amazon.com

Doritos wasabi chips' packaging boasts a bright pea green, as do its contents. Users in the comments section of the Instagram post are torn. Some people are intrigued while others are completely grossed out. "I've been eating them all. My sinuses are very open," @clawzizking wrote on Twitter.

"Nope take you[r] demon chips elsewhere," @BioJakk said.

We might have to skip out on this one, but it's no doubt that wasabi Doritos will join a long line of the world's wildest chip flavors, including garlic and scallop; hot and sour fish; and kiwi. Bon appétit!