An Interview With Manly M. Mann, Author Of 'Real Men Don't Eat Kale'

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Released in 1982, Real Men Don't Eat Quiche is a Reagan-era masterpiece of social satire, exploring what it means to be a "real man" in the era of "the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit, low-tar cigarettes, women who demand meaningful relationships, and restaurants that spin." Now that 35 years have passed since the book's release, Manly M. Mann has authored a tongue-in-cheek follow-up, Real Men Don't Eat Kale: A Guide on How to Man Up, which you can read for free online. It's full of silly memes (a few of which you'll find below) and some pithy insights into what makes a man "manly," like:

"Here are great gifts for the manly man:

We had the opportunity to ask Mr. Mann about some of his opinions and observations.

The Daily Meal: What inspired you to write this book?
Manly M. Mann:
I think kale will be the downfall of civilization as we know it. It must be stopped at all costs.

What, in your definition, is a "real man"?
A man who is thoughtful, classy, considerate, and strong. A James Bond kind of guy. Real men don't need to brag about themselves.

Has the definition of a "real man" changed over the years? Certainly there was a time when real men wore fedoras.
Real men don't wear fedoras nor do they Zumba. They also don't do tofu.

You mention "booze infused jerky gum" as a "great gift for the manly man." Please elaborate on this intriguing little-known food product.
It's beef jerky, but typically laced with ale, rum or whiskey.

What in your opinion are the manliest foods?
There are five basic food groups for the manly man: steak, burgers, pizza, French fries, and beef jerky.

How do you respond to naysayers who accuse you of perpetuating chauvinistic, misogynistic beliefs and outdated stereotypes?
Real men are none of those. They are respectful of women.

What do "real men" eat for breakfast?
Steak, eggs, hash browns, Tabasco, black coffee.

Where does brunch fit into a "real man's" routine?
It doesn't.

You can download the book on Amazon and the Apple Bookstore.