The Daily Dish: July 29, 2016
Today's first course?
Shortly after being accused of spraying a box of doughnuts with a bleach-based cleaning solution, a Dunkin' Donuts employee was fired from a Fairfax County, Virginia, location. Allegedly, a group of five teens walked into the Dunkin' Donuts in question looking for a free box of doughnuts. The teens said a different clerk had given them free doughnuts before at the same location. The worker refused, but told the teens to come back later. When they returned, he allegedly gave them their desired box of free doughnuts — but not before he had sprayed them with cleaning solution, which contained bleach, known to seriously harm humans when ingested.
The Smithsonian National Museum of American History is hiring a historian/scholar for its new initiative on American brewing history, with an emphasis on the craft beer industry. The job is a three-year appointment and pays almost $65,000, but don't think that it's just about knowing your craft beers. They're looking for someone with "proven experience in scholarly research, organizing and conducting oral history interviews, writing for both scholarly and general audiences, and knowledge of material culture and archival materials," according to the job posting.
A restaurateur in Shanghai says his brand-new business is being protested, harassed, and smashed up, but it's not a gang of miscreant youths trying to put him out of business, it's other restaurateurs in the city. According to Shanghaiist, a man opened a halal beef noodle restaurant in Shanghai earlier this month, but he says the restaurant he used all his savings to open has been a mixed blessing. On the day the restaurant opened, it was immediately swarmed by a group of more than 100 other people representing all the other halal beef noodle restaurants in the city. The owner says the "noodle gang" smashed up some tables, blocked people from entering his store, and even threatened him, all because he had allegedly broken an unwritten rule of Shanghai noodle restaurant entrepreneurship and opened too close to another halal beef noodle shop.
That's today's daily dish, thanks for watching. Stop by Monday for another helping.