The Daily Dish: This Fancy Restaurant Serves Food On iPads Instead Of Plates


This Fancy Restaurant Serves Food on iPads Instead of Plates

Quince, a highly lauded three-Michelin-starred eatery in San Francisco, is rumored to be serving a new truffle-based dish on an iPad instead of a plate. The dish is described as "white truffle croquettes on iPads playing videos of water dogs on the truffle-hunt." It's about time American eateries caught up to the twenty-first century version of fine dining. 

German Politician Seeks Ban on Vegetarian Sausage

According to The Independent, German agriculture minister Christian Schmidt is calling for the European Union to ban product names like "vegetarian sausage" and "vegetarian meatballs" on the grounds that they are confusing to consumers who might think the items contain meat, even though they say "vegetarian" right on the package. As precedent, he points out that EU rules do not allow dairy-free products to be called "milk" and "cheese," even if they are designed to be similar to those items. When a snarky interviewer asked if this rule should also apply to beefsteak tomatoes, Schmidt said that was not necessary because there was not "consumer confusion" about that.

This Narcolepsy Drug May Help Fight Obesity Driven by Food Addiction

A new study from the University of Warwick's Business School in the United Kingdom suggested that modafinil, a drug used to treat narcolepsy may be a potential component to combating obesity that is driven by addictions to food. Modafinil works by changing natural substances in the brain that control being awake and falling asleep, according to the Medline Plus website. Other studies suggest that the drug alters levels of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that impact the brain's reward and addiction system, Medical News Today reported. According to the new study, published in Personality and Individual Differences, food addicts lack a certain type of dopamine, leading them to impulsively eat more to reach the same level of reward and pleasure as someone who isn't a food addict.

This Dutch App Allows Users to Save Money and Prevent Food Waste

Technology is being used to reduce food waste all over the world, and in the Netherlands, the mobile app company NoFoodWasted is making moves in the industry with its coming expansion to Germany, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. The NoFoodWasted app notifies shoppers of discounted items at participating grocery stores that are getting close to their "best before" dates, Seeker reported. NoFoodWasted has helped save $1.56 million worth of food, according to app developer August de Vocht. In addition to calling out items specified by users in shopping lists, the app also recommends similar items that have been recently discounted.

Fast-Food Chains in India Seek More Female Employees

In India, women have traditionally stayed at home to do housework and raise children. But fast-food chains in India are attempting to change that by hiring more female employees and attracting them with special benefits, such as self-defense classes (Burger King), manager mentorship programs (Pizza Hut, KFC, and Taco Bell), and gender sensitization programs and store rewards (Domino's). According to executives at multiple fast-food chains, "women are great for business" because of their tendency to be "more hygienic, customer-friendly and loyal," The Wall Street Journal reported. McDonald's managers even invited the parents of female employees on site to see for themselves that their daughters would be safe working there. The managers told parents that the women "were now part of a multinational company that respected and promoted women."