The Daily Dish: December 11, 2015

Today's first course?

Patti LaBelle's Sweet Potato Pies Are Back in Stock at Walmart

Remember those famous sweet potato pies from Patti LaBelle we told you about a few weeks ago? Wel,l guess what? They're back! In what they're calling a Christmas miracle, leaders with Walmart say, for the next two weeks, stores nationwide will be receiving shipments of the pies. As you may recall, the pies became famous after YouTuber James Wright posted a review of the pies that quickly went viral. Leaders say getting the pies to the stores was not easy and required more than — get this — two million pounds of California-grown sweet potatoes. So hurry up and get to the store now, so you can serve it to your guests this holiday season! 

Edinburgh Named the UK's Most Vegan-Friendly Cit

PETA has awarded this year's award for the U.K.'s Most Vegan-Friendly City to Edinburgh, the city beating last year's winner, Glasgow. To celebrate this accolade, the Right Honourable Donald Wilson, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, was presented with the award in addition to a replica of Edinburgh Castle made entirely of vegetables. It's important to note that vegan eating is on the rise, which is reflected in Edinburgh's increasing array of vegan fare. 

KFC Will Open Its First Restaurant in Tibet Next Year

It's been more than a decade since leaders with KFC's parent company scrapped plans to open a restaurant in Tibet amid economic challenges and opposition from the Dalai Lama, but now they're at it again. We've learned the company plans to open its first-ever KFC in Tibet sometime next year with two floors! Talk about massive! So if you're a fan of fried chicken and plan to visit Tibet, it sounds like you may soon be able to feed your craving.


That's today's Daily Dish. Thanks for watching. Stop by Monday for another helping!