Michelob Ultra Launches New Low-Calorie Lime And Prickly Pear Cactus Beer

Just in time for warm-weather backyard barbecues and beach days, Michelob Ultra has announced a new line of bottled and canned beers called "Infusions," made with real exotic fruit. The debut flavor features lime and prickly pear cactus, which has become an increasingly popular ingredient in craft cocktails as of late.

101 Best Beers in America

Thanks to Michelob Ultra, Daily Meal staffers were able to sample the new beer before it hits shelves this month. To be transparent, we were totally prepared to hate it — but it defied expectation and... we loved it. It's easy to imagine drinking it while basking on a sandy beach. We even unintentionally drank it semi-warm and it was still good, which is important because some beers taste extremely unfortunate after they've spent a few minutes in the sun.

We found the flavor to be a happy medium between the equally delicious Corona and Bud Light Lime. It's not skunky whatsoever, the sweetness is balanced, and it has really nice fruity flavors without becoming overpowered by the presence of citrus. This beer is very drinkable! And luckily the ABV is only 4 percent, because these could potentially go down like water.

Even better, they're just 95 calories each (just like the OG Michelob Ultra), which is significantly less than Bud Light Lime (116 calories) and Corona (148 calories). Nutrition facts aside, we reckon these would all taste pretty great at any of the best beach bars in America.