On Making Smoothies: Strawberry-Banana Bliss

How do you get your daily dose of protein? Many people believe that the only way to get protein is by eating meat, but that's far from the truth. Luckily, you can get more than enough protein from yogurt, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

Eating a quick cup of yogurt or a handful of nuts is easy, but it won't ensure that you get all of the protein you need. Thankfully, making a smoothie will.

A protein smoothie probably may not sound appetizing or filling, but all you need is the right list of ingredients. Strawberry-banana, for example, is widely used flavor that almost everyone loves. Plus, it is loaded with protein. To get your daily dose of protein and enjoy a tasty treat, all you need is some fruit, nut butter, flaxseed, and ice.

Click here for a full list of instructions and ingredients for the strawberry-banana protein smoothie. If you're new to making smoothies, here's a how-to guide.