This Is How Astronauts Drink Tea In Zero Gravity
We've all thought about what it would be like to be an astronaut at one point or another. Though having the ability to say, "I've lived in space," is a sure contender for reasons why we've thought about it, the lack of gravity is definitely what sparks people's interest in the first place.
Have you ever watched a video of the team on the International Space Station sucking water bubbles out of the air? Yes, we find it to be amusing, but for the astronauts, this tactic got old pretty fast. That's why they made special cups that allow them to enjoy their favorite beverages in the most normal way possible.
In short, the cup is microgravity-friendly piece of plastic that utilizes tape to keep part of it closed. But to the astronauts, it's much more than that — it's an oddly shaped device that gives them the ability to have teatime, like we do on Earth. The plastic is taped to a sharp angle on a device to form a cup. When the liquid is poured into the cup, the construction of the device causes the liquid to rise to the side of the angled plastic and stop right at the tip When you bend the cup to take a drink, the liquid continues to rise to the top, but will not come out unless it is sipped on.
Tea is not the only thing astronauts use the device for: They also use it for coffee, water, and any other beverage they desire. Want to see this amazing, space-proof cup being put to use? Check out this video.