Design A Brand-New GrubKit
The online purveyor of the kitschy new GrubKits, prepackaged recipes in a box, has teamed up with The Daily Meal for a Design Your Own GrubKit contest.
Judges will choose the best kit idea, put it into production, and award the creative thinker who came up with the package.
Here is how you need to design a GrubKit:
• Each dish consists of two components: Dry or non-perishable ingredients, and fresh ingredients.
• Kits should mostly contain non-perishable ingredients, and only up to two liquid ingredients.
• Kits should have 10 ingredients or less, depending on the size of each item.
• Recipes should only require two to five fresh ingredients, which should be easy to find (no fresh curry leaves or anything like that).
To enter the contest, and for your chance to win, please submit ideas in the comments section below, entering a working email address so we can contact you if you win.
And even if your kit isn't selected, 15 randomly selected participants will get their hands on a Pad Thai Noodles Kit, with pre-measured ingredients and a recipe card to make pad thai at home (worth $21.95).