Daily Wine Reduces Risk Of Stroke In Women


In excellent news for a Sunday morning, a decades-long study has shown that women who drink alcohol on a "light to moderate basis" enjoy a reduced risk of stroke.

A new study in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association showed that women who drank half a glass of wine a day were 17 percent less likely to have a stroke than teetotaling women.

Alcohol reduces stroke risk because it has properties that prevent blood clots and promote "good cholesterol," said lead researcher Monik Jimenez.

Women who got to drink a full glass of wine per day during the study saw a reduced stroke risk of 21 percent.

Unfortunately, the good news stops there. Drinking more than one glass was not found to offer additional benefits. Bummer.

"Higher intake can lead to high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation which are both risk factors for stoke," Jimenez clarified, lest anyone get too excited. "Our findings really stress moderation for women who do drink." 

While the news doesn't offer carte blanche to live life like it's Mardi Gras, it's good news for women who want to enjoy better health through the power of wine and large quantities of citrus.