Cranberry Recipes For Healthy Teeth

While you may only think of cranberries as a jelly-like sauce on the Thanksgiving table, they should be the main star of your diet this autumn. Cranberries are harvested throughout the fall in the Northeast, but you can find them frozen and canned all year long.

Click here to see Cranberry Recipes for Healthy Teeth (Slideshow)

You probably know of cranberry juice as a preventative measure for urinary tract infections, but the fruit is truly a seasonal superfood; cranberries also help protect against cavity-producing bacteria and promote general dental health, which makes them the perfect choice for this week's SWAT (Sharing with a Theme).

We put the Culinary Content Network to the test to come up with a few of their favorite cranberry recipes, and here are some of the highlights:

Lisi at Worth Every Chew brings us a deceivingly healthy paleo-friendly and gluten-free cranberry galette.

Andi at The Weary Chef brings us seasonal cocktails. Add some cranberry juice and frozen cranberries to a glass of bubbly and you've got the perfect Thanksgiving cocktail.

This week's winning recipe come from Marnley at Cooking with Books. Use tart fresh cranberries to make a simple cranberry-cardamom jam for these hearty breakfast muffins.

All of the recipes featured can be made at home for about $20 or less, excluding the cost of small amounts of basic ingredients such as butter, oil, flour, sugar, salt, pepper, and other dried herbs and spices.

Cream Scones with Fresh Cranberries

(Credit: Aurelie Jouan)

Adding fresh, tart cranberries to these scones makes them a true fall treat. Like traditional British tea cakes, these are only lightly sweetened; they're perfect slathered with butter or fruit preserves. Click here to see the recipe.

Cranberry Chutney

(Credit: Christina Lakey/Food Apparel)

Make this quick-cooking savory cranberry chutney with fresh or frozen cranberries. Click here to see the recipe.

Julie Ruggirello is the Recipe Editor at The Dail Meal. Follow her on Twitter @TDMRecipeEditor.