Learn To Make Popcorn Without A Microwave

You probably know that you can make air-popped popcorn in the microwave using just kernels and a paper bag, but stove-top popcorn is super flavorful and the perfect snack to fuel your next Netflix binge.

Kernels. The plain kind that come in a huge bag. Keep in mind that ¼ cup kernels equals about eight cups of the popped stuff.

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Oil. Choose an oil with a high smoke point like canola or grapeseed. Coconut oil is a great option and will give your popcorn the classic movie-theater flavor.

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Seasoning. Before you start popping, put together a simple seasoning blend to toss your popcorn with. Try different mixes of herbs and spices, dehydrated cheeses, or a sugar blend for dessert popcorn.

Popping. Depending on how much popcorn you'll be making, heat a small or medium pot over medium heat, and then add the oil. When the oil shimmers, add in a few kernels and shake them around until they pop. Remove those kernels from the pot and add the remaining kernels. Shake around the pan for a bit, to coat the kernels with the oil. Cover with a lid and let the kernels do their thing. When the popping slows down to one pop every few seconds, turn off the heat and transfer to a large bowl. Melt some butter and toss with the popcorn along with the spice mixture.

(Credit: Shutterstock)

Dig in!

Julie Ruggirello is the Recipe Editor at The Daily Meal and is unapologetically addicted to popcorn. Follow her on Twitter @TDMRecipeEditor.