Are You Over Everyone Freaking Out About Bacon? Try These Cured Meats Instead

What won't people put bacon on these days? Ice cream, hot dogs, even bacon-flavored vodka found its way onto shelves — the craze caught on in a big way. Now that we have turned bacon into a condiment, a candy, and an extractable flavor, let's discuss the other horizon-expanding options out there. There is more to food then just adding bacon.

Click here for the better than bacon slideshow.

Disavow yourself of this crutch and lean on some other cured meats celebrated around the world for their diverse flavors. Replace some of the bacon stash that 53 percent of households keep in their fridges (according to the NPD Group, a leading food industry market researcher) with other cured meats worthy of your time, like the spicy Spanish chorizo in this Shrimp and Polenta Chorizo recipe.

From pancetta to guanciale, cured "bacon-like" meats are just waiting to delight your taste buds. Try recipes that incorporate your soon-to-be new favorite cured meat, like Oil-Poached Swordfish with White Corn, Guanciale, and Chive Oil or a Peach and Prosciutto Crostini to satisfy your bacon needs. These "meat treats" are not going to lower your cholesterol, but they will add flavor to your favorite dishes.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at The Daily Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.