5 Signs You Need To Clean Your Microwave

You can't identify a singular smell. All of the smells have meshed into one super-smell and you know the candle you light when guests come over isn't helping.

More food than microwave wall. Let's be real. When you bought the microwave it was white, and now it's... brown? You probably need a chisel-like object to get the food off the walls of the microwave.

Be afraid. You're legitimately afraid to pick up the rotating plate. Because you can't figure out what dripped or how long ago it happened.

Epic Fail. So the mug cake you experimented with over the winter was a fail. If you still have the proof mid-spring, you should probably do something about it.

Memory Lapse. The ultimate sign that you need to clean your microwave is if you cannot remember the last time you cleaned it.

No more excuses. Go do something about that dirty microwave.

Julie Ruggirello is the Recipe Editor at The Daily Meal and was inspired by the true story of the beyond-dirty microwave at the office. Follow her on Twitter @TDMRecipeEditor.