10 Reasons Why This Is Considered The Perfect Food

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. While one large egg is around 75 calories, the amount of nutrients inside most definitely offsets the calorie load. If you start your day with eggs, it will lead to fat loss. Who can't get behind that?


Yes, eggs contain a high amount of cholesterol, compared to other foods, but this isn't a bad thing. It's believed that eggs actually improve your cholesterol profile, raising the good cholesterol — HDL, and lowering the bad — LDL. Eggs also contain the proteins which are the main building blocks of your body for both functional and structural purposes.


This super food is loaded with Lutein and Zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that have powerful protective effects on the sensory part of the eyes. Eggs are also linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and may even reduce the risk of stroke.


They're called the perfect food for many reasons, ten of which are listed below.


Eggs Contain Tons of Nutrients

One whole egg is loaded with vitamins, minerals, good fats and proteins and lots of other nutrients. Get your fix of Vitamin B12, B2, A, B5, selenium, calcium, potassium, iron, folate and much more. While egg whites have recently become all the rage, the yolk is where you will find all of these nutrients. If you prefer egg whites, you will still get a generous amount of protein.


There Are a Million Ways to Eat Them

There are so many ways to eat eggs — it's impossible to list them all. There are poached eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs. Then there are omelets, Eggs Benedict and deviled-eggs. You can use eggs in fried rice, on hamburgers, in casseroles – the list goes on. Cook your eggs differently to keep things exciting.


They're Cheap

Let's be real. Eggs are pretty cheap when compared to other foods at the grocery store, especially the majority of healthy foods. Eggs are not only affordable, but they're versatile and healthy. For a couple of bucks you can get an entire carton of eggs you can use for breakfast, baking and other snacks throughout the week. You can even be a rebel and eat eggs for dinner.


You Can Cook With Them

Eggs are an integral part of baking and many other recipes. They hold things together, add moisture where needed, prevent drying out, add flavor and increase overall shelf life. So if you can, skip the oil, and use eggs when you cook to maximize health benefits.


Eggs Feed Your Brain

Choline, an essential nutrient for human health, is prominent in eggs — more specifically in egg yolks. It's also an essential nutrient for the brain and a component of cell membranes. It protects brain health and supports fetal development in pregnant women. Liver, cardiovascular and neurological diseases and disorders are caused from low choline intake, so feed your body choline to benefit your overall health.


They'll Cut Down Your Inflammation

Thanks to high stress levels and over-processed foods, inflammation is no stranger to most of us. It messes up our body's internal natural balance and causes intestinal issues, autoimmune diseases and joint pain — among other things. Eggs are a powerful anti-inflammatory and help offset inflammation due to the choline and potent carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein inside of them. Make sure you buy organic or pasture-raised eggs for higher omega-3 fatty acids.


They're a Complete Protein

You know how good protein is for your body, however whole proteins are your best friend, and these come from animal sources. These proteins contain all nine essential amino acids, which our bodies cannot make for themselves. Eggs are considered a complete protein and contain about six grams.  


You Can Take Them Anywhere

Eggs are super portable. You can take hard boiled eggs to work with you for a perfect midday pick-me-up. Then there are several breakfast options when it comes to eggs — all of which you can easily take with you on the go. Make egg and cheese breakfast muffins with your own favorite ingredients like spinach, bacon, ham, quinoa and more. Baked breakfast empanadas are also a great grab-and-go option.


Eggs Help With Hangovers

When it comes to hangovers, new cures are always welcome. Say hello to the egg hangover cure, which helps get rid of the toxins left in your body after a night out on the town. Eggs are also usually easy to digest, so they tend to be easy on an upset stomach.


They Aide in Weight Loss

You've probably heard about eggs being linked to weight loss. That's because they're a great source of protein but very low in calories, therefore they're the ultimate food if you're trying to maintain or lose weight. Eggs are very filling and are a great kick-start to your day. Boost your metabolism by adding more eggs to your diet, especially in the morning.



Eggs are not only super satisfying and filling, but they're extremely healthy — for your vision, heart, brain, and weight. They're a cheap and versatile option that provides your body with all of the nutrients you need. So eat your eggs, daily if you can because as far as anyone can tell, they're only beneficial to your health and are basically the perfect food.