Cinnamon-Cherry Applesauce
Cinnamon-Cherry Applesauce
As a young child, my first word, before "mom," "dad," or even "dog," was "apple." I had a thing for apple juice, or "appie juice," as I called it, and this passion for apples has followed me as I've grown up.
For some, macaroni and cheese or shepherd's pie is considered to be comfort food. Not for me — applesauce is my food fix of choice. Served alone, still warm, with a garnish of cinnamon, is my favorite way to enjoy this seasonal treat. But, I've served it atop a scoop of vanilla ice cream, garnished with oatmeal cookie crumbs for an impromptu fruit crisp, even layering it in cookie bars and pies — or with a healthy scoop of melted peanut butter.
While I left the skin on for added texture, it isn't required.
Click here to see the 8 Ways to Use Apple Other Than Pie story.
