Chef Causes Fire With Soy Sauce Container Full Of Gasoline And More News
The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.
Chef Charged in Fire: A sushi chef has been arrested after he ordered a dishwasher to carry a 5-gallon soy sauce container filled with gasoline through the kitchen, which leaked and sparked a fire, injuring three people. [NY Times]
Organic Food Tests: Starting next year, the USDA says, periodic testing of organic food will be required to ensure that producers aren't using prohibited pesticides. [WSJ]
Climate Change Killing Off Pandas' Bamboo: Apparently, temperature increases in China are seriously hindering bamboo growth, and since bamboo is the only source of food for pandas, the endangered species is trouble. Nooo, pandas! [MSNBC]
McDonald's Japan Serving Croquette Burgers: Of course they are! One is even filled with a creamy gratin with white sauce, shrimp, and macaroni. Carb-overload. [Kotaku]
Women Spend Three Years in the Kitchen: A study found that on average, a woman spends three years in the kitchen over the span of her life. [Daily Mail]