Cheers To...12/10-12/14
As we head into the weekend after a long, drawn-out week, we're ready to raise a glass to those who deserve it — and believe us, there are quite a few.
Cheers to... The New York Knicks, yet again. The Miami Heat, the Brooklyn Nets, and the Los Angeles Lakers, all in one week. How about we raise the whole bottle to you guys? [The Bleacher Report]
Cheers to... The Golden Globe nominations — Homeland! Les Misérables! Schmidt! Who's placing bets on winners? [E!]
Cheers to... the end of the world as we know it, so let's throw a huge party.
Cheers to... The release of The Hobbit, the long-awaited prequel to The Lord of the Rings — aka every nerd's dream come true. [People]
Cheers to... Hugh Grant, dubbed the "Worst Guest Ever" on The Daily Show — what an honor.[ABC]
Cheers to... Harry Styles really pulling out all the stops for Taylor Swift — birthday cupcakes, bringing her home to mom, and a vacation in England. Taylor, here's to lucky number 16? [The Daily Meal]
Cheers to... the coming together of the biggest names in music's history — Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, The Rolling Stones, Alicia Keys, Kanye West, The Who — all for one cause that resulted in $30 million for Hurricane Sandy victims.[New Yorker]