Case Closed: Can You Put Ketchup On A Hot Dog In Chicago?
By John Dodge
CHICAGO (CBS) — Upon entering the airspace of Chicago, conventional wisdom has instructed us that one cannot put ketchup on a hot dog.
On this date–October 24, 2014–a new coda has been issued on the matter, settled by contributors to the Chicago Reddit page.
Yes, of course, one can pour ketchup on a hot dog. However, it can no longer be called a Chicago-style hot dog.
This is a reasonable position, aimed at defusing hot dog radicals who have been attempting to destroy the freedom to put any damn thing you want on a piece of encased meat trimmings.
The National Hot Dog And Sausage Council has ruled that nobody should put ketchup on a hot dog after the age of 18. Others have said that the sugar in ketchup ruins the dog's taste.
According to the NHDSC website, the group was "established in 1994 by the American Meat Institute. The Council serves as an information resource to consumers and media on questions related to quality, safety, nutrition and preparation of hot dogs and sausages."
Whatever. Let's not take this too seriously.
Chicago's Dog House certainly doesn't. They offer a "Blago Hot Dog" for $2.99: "A Chicago style with ketchup, found guilty on one count."