Bronx Cocktail
Bronx Cocktail
According to the 1931 book Old Waldorf Days, the Bronx Cocktail was created around 1900 by a teetotaling bartender named Johnnie Solon who worked at the Men’s Bar at the Waldorf-Astoria in, yes, Manhattan. You can still order this refreshing citrusy martini at the historic, mahogany-paneled Bull and Bear Bar.Adapted from Imbibe, who adapted it from The Savoy Cocktail Book, 1930.
- 2 ounce gin
- 1/2 ounce sweet vermouth
- 1 ounce fresh orange juice
- ice cubes
- orange slice for garnish
- 1/2 ounce dry vermouth
- Combine all ingredients in a shaker, shake, strain into a chilled glass, and garnish.