Breast Milk Flavored Lollipops: Would You Try One?

From the company that previously introduced sriracha, bacon, and absinthe-flavored lollipops to the world, Lollyphile, out of Austin, Texas, has begun selling a breast milk flavored lollipop.

Jason Darling, the company's owner, told the Huffington Post that he attributes his inspiration for the flavor to being surrounded by his friends who are having babies seemingly nonstop. "What slowly dawned on me was that my friends were actually producing milk so delicious it could turn a screaming, furious child into a docile, contented one. I knew I had to capture that flavor."

The lollipops do not actually contain breast milk, but rather the flavor was inspired from it (yes, flavor specialists at Lollyphile tried sample after sample of real breast milk to nail the flavor combinations). It may seem outlandish to some, but if we liked the taste of it so much as babies before we knew what was what, what's to say that we won't now?

Darling added that he believes this is one of the most satisfying of all of their flavors, so if you can get past the initial reaction to recoil at the thought of ingesting something that tastes like breast milk, it might be worth a try.