Bird? Plane? No, It's A Flying Car: AeroMobil Is The Plane You Can Drive To Work
Leaving your office during rush hour in Los Angeles to make dinner at French Laundry in Napa Valley might seem impossible, but it won't be if AeroMobil has a say. The sleek, stylish flying car can take you out of the parking lot, and into the air—all you need is a runway and a destination.
Built using a light-weight steel framework and carbon coating, the AeroMobil reaches a top speed of 100mph on land and 124mph in the air. While it isn't exactly the fastest mode of transportation, the plane-car hybrid will make traveling longer distance a lot easier. It's also designed to run on regular (okay, premium-grade) gas, making it convenient too.

In what has been 20 years in the making, creators Štefan Klein (who previously worked as a designer and researcher for BMW, Audi and Volkswagen) and Juraj Vaculík (who has a colorful background in advertising, theater and political activism) hope to make the AeroMobil commercially available in the very near future. Their creation takes just a few seconds to go from car to plane and the nearly 27-foot-wide wings unfold with the flick of a switch.

Its collapsible wings make the vehicle just small enough to fit into a parking spot when it's in car mode, but don't expect to easily parallel park the AeroMobil—it's about 60 feet long. Plus, it only carries two passengers—which is great for making that dinner date. No word on price yet, but we'll be keeping an eye out.