An Anti-Semitic Maitre'd Grows In Brooklyn
The New York Post reports a surprising tale of anti-Semitism. Two employees (one current, one former) of The River Café have accused the restaurant, long one of Brooklyn's iconic dining destinations (if only for its breathtaking waterfront views of the Manhattan skyline), of discriminating against Jews dressed in religious garb by necessitating a check minimum of $25 per person to sit at the bar if it seemed like they would only drink water rather than booze.
After a comment from assistant manager Teddy Dearie alleged that the $25 minimum applied to everyone, The Post sent in two couples to test the allegations. Unfortunately for everyone involved, the "religious" couple (which included a man wearing a yarmulke) was told about the minimum, while the other twosome – composed of two Post reporters – was allowed to order a coffee and a gin and tonic with a total tab of $18.51. To further prove the point, the currently employed café worker provided photos of the reservationist book that outlines the bigoted policy.
Looks like Brooklyn Jews will be picking another restaurant to kibitz around in.