5 Wines To Go With Your Best Corn Recipes
There are few foods that seem to be able to capture the imagination of so many people. While the fringe element obsesses over things like ramps and fiddleheads, I think it's safe to say that much if not most of the country looks forward to enjoying fresh corn and cherries when each are in season.
I do like to cook with cherries, but the truth is they are rarely better than eaten on their own, crisp and chilled in the dwindling light of a summer's eve. With corn on the other hand, an occasional fresh picked ear eaten raw can be attractive, but it truly finds its glory cooked, and presented in simple but innovative style. So here are five great corn recipes with which to tackle the season's abundance. Don't dawdle, though, sumer, just like the corn season, is quickly coming to a close, leaving both as mere memories to keep us going through the coming cooler months.
Click here for five corn recipes with wine pairings.
— Gregory Dal Piaz, Snooth