4th Grader Makes Documentary Of School Lunches And More News
The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.
11-Year-Old's School Lunch Documentary: A precocious 11-year-old has released a documentary about school lunch food in his New York elementary school, comparing what the online menu says his food should be with what it actually is. [NY Times]
Fast-Food Strikes Expand: New York fast-food workers aren't the only ones calling for $15 an hour. [The Nation]
Coca Beer to Fight Altitude: A beer made from coca, the same leaf cocaine is made from, is now meant as an aide when visiting high-mountain cities. [Herald Sun]
McDonald's Adding Bacon Quarter Pounder: The restaurant chain is cutting Angus burgers from its menu thanks to high beef prices, but will add on a Bacon Quarter Pounder. [Web Pro News]
Apple Crop Overload: Apple blossoms are so prevalent right now, growers are told to trim their blossoms to prevent fall glut. [Michigan State University]