24th Annual Do At The Zoo Denver
Colorado's 9 News reports that on June 20th, Denver will host the 24th annual Do At the Zoo fundraiser event. In 2011, Denver was named the "greenest" zoo by The Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the zoo's sustainability initiatives.
The event is about a celebration of all things green, with an emphasis on thinking globally and eating locally. Participants can enjoy local food and drink from 60 of the best restaurants in Denver while listening to live entertainment. The attire is cocktail, and organic and eco-friendly garb is encouraged.
The VIP restaurant of the year is the new Edge Restaurant and Bar, an urban restaurant in the Denver scene. The menu for the event is to be determined, but like the event, is focused on eating locally. The steakhouse offers primarily Colorado raised meats that were grass and corn fed.
The event will also host other notable cuisine from around Denver, including Ace, Corner House, and Parallel Seventeen.
The event is sure to attract and excited crowd. On the zoo's Facebook page, the zoo asked friends to name the official cocktail of the event. The winner was "Orangu Tang," and tastes like orange cream soda.
More information about the event can be found on their website.