If You Love Taco Bell's Mexican Pizza, Then This Menu Hack Is For You

In September 2022, after a couple of years off the menu, the Mexican Pizza returned to Taco Bell, much to the relief of fans everywhere. Mexican Pizza has always been a signature menu item at Taco Bell, but what if you could make it even better?

If you think Taco Bell has the best pizzas around, you'll most likely enjoy the latest hack TikTok has graced us with. The hack puts the Mexican Pizza front and center but also combines it with another Taco Bell item for a thicker, richer, and, yes, even cheesier meal. This tasty method also brings together all of the things that make Taco Bell so good. It's also relatively easy to ask for, so if you're shy about modifying your food or aren't into memorizing Taco Bell's secret menu items, there's no need to worry. You're probably happy that the pizza is permanently back at Taco Bell, but with this hack, you'll never want to order it by itself again.

Elevate your Mexican Pizza with the Cheesy Roll Up

TikToker hasaneats shared a brilliant way to amp up the already mouthwatering Mexican Pizza that went viral on the platform. Or at least viral or delicious enough that Taco Bell decided to share the tip on its own TikTok account. On the Taco Bell TikTok, a team member showed viewers how to make a Mexican Pizza inside a Cheesy Roll Up. Yes, your Taco Bell favorites can coexist both on the menu and in your mouth. 

To hack this menu item, begin by asking for a Mexican Pizza as is — no substitutes or alterations. While you're at it, order a Cheesy Roll Up by itself. Once you receive both, open up the Cheesy Roll Up and stuff the Mexican Pizza inside. You'll end up with an extra cheesy Mexican Pizza that may be a bit messier than the returning favorite but is twice as delicious. The slight mess is worth the effort — even Taco Bell's test kitchen manager approves of the combo. Next time you head to Taco Bell, try out this hack, especially if you're feeling extra cheesy.

Other Taco Bell Mexican Pizza hacks

This creative TikTok hack isn't the only way to put a new spin on Taco Bell's Mexican Pizza. Some of Taco Bell's most delicious secret menu items use elements of the Mexican Pizza as the base for completely new meals and snacks — and they look really tasty. The sauce is featured in more Taco Bell favorites than just the Mexican Pizza itself. Now that it's back, you can enjoy the secret menu item, Cheesarito, as it was intended to be eaten. It's basically a Cheesy Roll Up with Mexican Pizza sauce and scallions, but while the Mexican Pizza was off the menu, adventurous eaters had to use red sauce instead of the pizza sauce. Thank goodness Taco Bell's Mexican Pizza is back, right? 

That's not all, though — the Mexican Pizza Crunchwrap is a Mexican Pizza spin-off that's definitely worth a try. All you need to do is order a Crunchwrap Supreme and a Mexican Pizza and ask for the Mexican Pizza inside of the Crunchwrap. It'll take some of your favorite Taco Bell menu flavors to new heights. Since the original fan-favorite pizza, the opportunities to hack it are endless.