The Wild Ingredient That Actually Works Really Well With Cheetos

If you grew up eating Cheetos, you know how delicious they are right out of the bag. Their cheesy dust has a zing to it — even in the original version — and it blends perfectly with the crunchy texture of the chip. Cheetos' long, thin shape makes them great for dipping or pairing with other ingredients, but Cheeto purists everywhere may not think to mix and match.

There are so many other foods — some logical and others completely out-of-the box, that pair well with Cheetos, but one unexpected pairing is professional chef-approved. In a Bon Appétit video, several professional chefs challenged each other to try their favorite surprising food pairings, and when a chef paired Cheetos with a certain unusual ingredient, they were a hit. 

Chances are, you have this ingredient in your kitchen — but it's highly unlikely that you've considered eating it with Cheetos. This perplexing combo is definitely worth trying, though — you'll wonder how something so out-of-the-box can taste so good.

Honey and Cheetos: a surprisingly delicious combo

Cheetos have been paired with plenty of interesting ingredients since becoming a snack staple. (How else are kids supposed to entertain themselves when lunchtime gets a little dull?) While this sweet and salty combination isn't one that you'll find in most lunchboxes, it is easy to find in your kitchen.

To give your Cheetos some contrast, grab a bottle of honey and set it in a separate bowl so that you can dip your Cheetos in it. Or, if you prefer to make your Cheetos look like they came straight from a Michelin-tier dining establishment, stack your Cheetos in a pretty pile and drizzle them with honey, as chef Rawlston Williams prefers to do. Williams says he grew up eating Cheetos with honey every day, and when cookbook author Samantha Seneviratne tried his food pairing, she could definitely see why (via Bon Appétit). 

The combination makes sense when you think about it — who doesn't love a sweet-and-salty mashup?

Other tasty ingredients to pair with Cheetos

Cheetos and honey may be a chef-approved combination, but there are plenty of other delicious pairings to elevate your everyday bag of Cheetos. Many of them even carry on that salty-sweet contrast, so you can still savor every bite even if you don't have honey around.

Some Cheeto pairings may sound just as wild as honey and Cheetos, but if you like that combination, keep an open mind. (Most people enjoy sweetness and salt together — according to Eater, it's all thanks to science.) There are even recipes for Cheeto marshmallow treats (which are similar to Rice Krispy Treats) and Cheetos cookies.

If you prefer savory-on-savory flavors, there are even ways to use Cheetos as a breading for meat dishes. While these options might sound outlandish to you, people from all walks of life enjoy them, so don't scoff before you try them. Cheetos are much more versatile than they look. And sometimes even the most unusual pairings can eventually become longtime favorites.