What's The Difference Between Macchiatos And Lattes?

It's hard to find someone who doesn't love a good cup of coffee. In fact, according to the National Coffee Association, coffee is the most popular beverage in the U.S., with 66% of Americans drinking it daily — more than any other drink, including tap water! While some people prefer a simple cup of black coffee, others prefer to add things, including milk and sweeteners, to their cup of joe. If you're someone who enjoys the latter, it might be difficult to remember the exact differences between every coffee drink that your favorite cafe offers.

Two of the most popular coffee beverages are macchiatos and lattes. Macchiatos and lattes both contain two key ingredients, espresso and steamed milk (via MasterClass), making them similar in a big way. However, these two types of coffee are different, and it's important that you know their differences before deciding which one you want to order.

Lattes contain foamed milk and have a longer history

As established, macchiatos and lattes both have espresso and steamed milk. However, lattes also contain foamed milk, which is the primary difference between these two coffee beverages, per MasterClass. Because macchiatos have a lower milk ratio than lattes do, they naturally taste a bit stronger and, well, less milky. In addition, macchiatos have lower caloric content than lattes, as less milk means fewer calories from fat, per Healthline.

Macchiatos and lattes also have different origins. According to Perfect Daily Grind, it is generally thought that Italian baristas created the macchiato in the 1980s to distinguish a regular espresso beverage from an espresso beverage with milk. Furthermore, the word "macchiato" means "mark," which could signify that the baristas were attempting to mark the coffee with milk. 

Like the macchiato, the latte is also Italian, but it has been around for a lot longer. Its history dates back to at least 1867, when William Dean Howells, a novelist, mentioned "caffe e latte" in one of his essays, per Achilles Coffee Roasters.

Different types of macchiatos and lattes

For some, remembering the difference between macchiatos, lattes, and other types of coffee is confusing enough. Something that can add to the confusion, though, is the fact that there are two kinds of macchiatos and countless kinds of lattes. According to Nescafé, the two types of macchiatos are the espresso macchiato and the latte macchiato. The espresso macchiato is also known as the original macchiato, as it simply contains the espresso and steamed milk that's characteristic of an authentic macchiato. Conversely, the latte macchiato contains a layer of foamed milk in addition to steamed milk, making it more similar to a latte.

While there are only two types of macchiatos, there are numerous types of lattes. This is largely due to the different syrups that people enjoy adding to this beverage. Some of the most popular syrups for lattes include vanilla, hazelnut, caramel, peppermint, and pumpkin, per LeafTV, but these are just a few of the many flavors you can add.