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Bear Naked Granolas Ranked From Worst To Best

When you wake up in the morning and feel cravings come to the surface, you can always have a healthy, filling bowl of granola. Granola can be found everywhere – oatmeal raisin cookies, granola bars, overnight oats – it's a staple food, especially when it comes to breakfast.

One company that sells delicious, hearty granolas is Bear Naked. From peanut butter to a berry mix, you can find a wide variety of flavors from this brand alone. It might not be easy to pick a favorite, though, so we're here to help you figure out which granola flavors are worth your time. Here are all of the Bear Naked granola flavors ranked from worst to best, so the next time you want to make some overnight oats or add a little extra substance to your breakfast, you'll know which of these granolas will suit your taste.

12. Peanut Butter

Who doesn't love the taste of peanut butter? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, peanut butter cookies, and even Reese's Peanut Butter Cups take the taste of the nut and turn it into a creamy, salty, and delicious delight. The Bear Naked peanut butter-flavored granola is made up of whole grain oats, peanut butter, peanuts, and a bit of sea salt to add a hint of saltiness. You'd think that the combination of peanut butter and oats would make for a fantastic granola, but unfortunately, there is a lack of any noticeable peanut butter in this product.

There was a time when people seemed to really like this product, with reviewers saying that it was incredibly filling and delicious (as per Amazon). As of late, however, reviews for the peanut butter granola have taken a spin, with customers believing that the recipe was changed, making the granola way too sweet, with the sugar overtaking any other flavor that may have been present. A reviewer claimed, "Taking out honey and subbing in sugar cane was a big mistake" (via Bear Naked). If granola is peanut butter-flavored, then we'd expect it to actually taste like nut butter. Unfortunately, though, the Bear Naked brand fails to deliver on this front.

11. Fruit and Nut

Fruit and nuts make for a good snack any time of day – and Bear Naked's Fruit and Nut granola mix is packed with dried cranberries, coconut, raisins, pecans, walnuts, and almonds. There's a lot within each bag of this granola, and while each of these ingredients makes up a mix that holds promise, we can't really say that it delivers.

That's not to say this granola isn't good – there's definitely a market for this flavor, as people enjoy adding it to yogurts and other foods (via Amazon). But the balance is off: Other consumers who have tried the Fruit and Nut flavor go as far as to say that you can find bags of granola that contain a whole bunch of one ingredient, like the fruit, while you'll barely find any nuts in them (as per Bear Naked). This granola isn't awful to the point it's inedible, but it could certainly be better.

10. Banana Nut

Fruit is common to find in breakfasts, but perhaps no fruit is as utilized as the banana. You can find bananas in yogurts, muffins, and smoothies, along with sweet crepes or banana bread. Filled with potassium and incredible flavor, anything that banana is added to tends to taste amazing. You'd think the same could be said for Bear Naked's Banana Nut granola, and depending on your flavor preferences, this may be the case. Filled with a variety of ingredients, including banana chips, coconut, almonds, and walnuts, this particular granola has received a fairly mixed reception.

Some people really like this granola, and we can see why. Some describe this granola as having "a light taste. It is refreshing" (via Amazon), and enjoy that it doesn't really overpower the flavor of the other ingredients. On the other hand, though, one might wish that the banana flavor was a bit stronger – it is called banana nut. Some feel that the lack of banana, or what is there in terms of flavor, is downright terrible (via Bear Naked). You probably won't lose anything from trying the Banana Nut granola, though with all of the other flavors Bear Naked carries, you might want to go for something else.

9. Peanut Butter Crunch

The first peanut butter-flavored granola Bear Naked has wasn't the best, but this next product takes that flavor and makes it ten times better, in a healthier way. In order to get a heavy peanut butter flavor, the Peanut Butter Crunch granola is made with dark roasted peanut butter, peanuts, and sea salt – along with an apple puree concentrate to give the granola a sweet flavor that many enjoy.

Despite that extra sweetness, though, you may be surprised to find that this granola contains zero grams of added sugar, as well as eight grams of protein per serving. This granola has a heavy taste of peanut butter, and despite the lack of any added sugars, it still tastes pretty sweet, thanks to that apple puree concentrate. People adore that there's no sugar added (via Kroger). This flavor isn't perfect, though, and it's not the easiest to find online, especially when compared to the other peanut butter flavor. That being said, if you do happen upon this peanut butter crunch granola, we suggest you give it a try.

8. Maple Cinnamon

Maple Cinnamon: Neither flavor is new to breakfast – cinnamon waffles, maple syrup on pancakes – but both offer a unique, sweet, or spicy note to any meal. Together, however, the two flavors can shake things up quite a bit. This granola is grain free, containing sunflower seeds, almonds, chia and pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, maple syrup, and a bunch of other grain-free foods, to make for a paleo-ready granola. It's also branded as being more clustered granola.

Sweet, well-textured, and filling, this product does its job of delivering granola perfect for anyone trying to switch to a more paleo diet. It's not bad by any means, though some have noted that instead of maple or cinnamon, they instead pick up a strong taste of coconut, which is not something you'd expect from a granola that brands its maple cinnamon flavor at the forefront. Reviewers note that they "imagine that much of the sweetness of this granola is derived from the coconut" (as per Amazon). That doesn't mean the flavor is awful, as some customers have stated they like the taste of this granola — it just might not taste the way you'd expect it to.

7. Original Cinnamon

In Bear Naked's Original Cinnamon granola, you'll find honey, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, and of course, cinnamon, as well as whole-grain oats. A serving of this granola also contains quite a bit of protein, with half a cup of it holding eleven grams. In muffins, meat dishes, and even warm beverages like hot chocolate, cinnamon can bring a comforting flavor. This granola isn't an exception to that; it is not only healthy, but delicious.

The flavor of this granola is exactly what you'd expect: cinnamon-y. The use of various fruits and nuts add a lot for you to enjoy. This exceptionally sweet granola which can be thrown in yogurt, ice cream, or used for overnight oats. Reviewers enjoy the cinnamon flavor and say that they "love the crunchy chunks" (via Amazon). They even go as far as to claim it to be their favorite in some cases. At the same time, though, some note that depending on the bag of granola you grab, you may find yourself with a bag of granola containing few to no dried cranberries, or some other ingredient (as per Amazon). For the most part, this granola is great, and if you like cinnamon, there's a fair chance you'll enjoy this.

6. Dark Chocolate Almond

What's better than regular granola? How about granola with dark chocolate? The Dark Chocolate Almond granola is a flavor fit for anyone who likes an extra hint of rich, cacao sweetness to their morning meal, snack, or any occasion. When it comes to Bear Naked's grain-free granolas, this mix is definitely one of the best. A pack of this product typically contains sunflower, flax, chia, and pumpkin seeds, along with coconut, almonds, and of course, chocolate.

For those trying to stay away from grains, the Dark Chocolate Almond granola is an appealing food to add to your diet. It tastes great — the chocolate can melt, admittedly, though that just means that it causes the other ingredients to come together in chocolatey, mixed clumps (via Amazon). This could make a mess if you're just trying to have a handful of this granola as a snack, but for the great flavor that comes with each bite, we'd say that it's worth it. Like the other grain-free granolas, though, you might find that this flavor also has a fairly noticeable coconut flavor; be wary of that if you're hoping for solely dark chocolate and almond flavor. The chocolate and coconut aren't bad, though, and we could easily see why people enjoy this granola, too.

5. Vanilla Almond

Here is a flavor of granola that tastes a little sweeter than some of the other products that Bear Naked carries, but nevertheless brings an incredible flavor to the table. The Vanilla Almond granola is fairly simple in terms of ingredients: Whole grain oats and sweet almonds, both with a strong vanilla flavor. That's it. While it might not have as much variety as some of the other granolas, though, the Vanilla Almond flavor manages to carry itself strongly and offer a sweet-tasting product that contains 45% less sugar than some of the brand's other granolas.

Depending on how sweet you like your granola to taste, you may find this granola to be amazing, or a little over the top. Despite containing less sugar than some of the other granolas here, vanilla almond actually tastes sweeter than many of these (via Amazon), likely due to the strong vanilla flavor that's prevalent throughout. The almonds are sweet, too — they pair nicely with the granola, though you might find that there are too many or too few almonds in each serving, depending on which pack of the product you get. Overall, this granola has a wonderful flavor, though there are a few things here and there that may make or break it for you.

4. Maple Pecan

Anything that maple syrup is added to seems to taste a whole lot better, and this granola is no exception. The Maple Pecan granola is made up of praline pecans, molasses, sea salt, cinnamon, and of course, maple syrup, making for a fairly uniform, yet incredibly delicious bag of sweet granola. Bear Naked really nailed this one: If you've ever had a stack of freshly made pancakes topped with pecans and maple syrup, then you might have an idea of what this granola tastes like. Crunchy, sweet, and satisfying, this granola is one that we could see many people enjoying.

The pecans, the maple flavor, and all of the other things used in this mix make for a pretty filling granola. People love this flavor – they enjoy the variety of ingredients used within each bag (via Amazon). It's got a nice crunch, too, thanks to the nuts and oats. You may run into some trouble if your batch of granola contains few to no pecans. One reviewer wrote that "after the first pouring there is no pecans left" (as per Amazon). If you do find yourself with a bag of granola that contains enough pecans, though, the Maple Pecan flavor is wonderful.

3. Cacao and Cashew Butter

Who doesn't love chocolate? It can make many foods taste great, and granola is one of them, like Bear Naked's Gluten-Free Cacao & Cashew Butter granola. This soft-baked oat product is made with some cashew butter, chocolate chunks, and pepitas, which isn't an ambitious list of ingredients, but it still delivers in terms of its rich, filling taste. It's so good and so chocolatey that you might not even notice that it's gluten-free!

This product has made quite a buzz, with many championing it as their favorite Bear Naked granola (as per Bear Naked). Many agree with this sentiment, claiming it to be some of the best granola around (via Amazon). Like the other chocolatey granola the company sells, you may find that the chocolate chunks melt a bit, and the granola clumps together in chocolatey deliciousness. You can use it to top your yogurt or as a stand-alone snack – either way, if you like chocolate granola, then there's a pretty high chance you'll enjoy this one.

2. Triple Berry

Up next is a flavor that doesn't have any nuts in it, but is instead loaded with delicious dried fruits, perfect for anyone who needs to get that extra bit of fruit into their diet in a healthy, satisfying way. The Triple Berry mix has 50% less sugar than Bear Naked's other products. Sure, there might not be any hearty nuts in the mix, but that doesn't make it any less tasty. Along with the oats, you'll find three different freeze-dried berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Each fruit brings a unique taste, making it one of the best granolas that Bear Naked carries.

The dried blueberries are wonderfully sweet, while the strawberries and raspberries bring a more tart, enjoyable taste to the granola. This granola is on the sweeter side, so combined with the fruit, you've got a well-balanced taste. You could also combine this product with milk or yogurt to make for a hearty breakfast, or put it on a sandwich to add a nice crunch. You may find the fruits to be less prevalent than you hoped, or that some of the berries aren't as noticeable as the others, depending on which bag of the granola you get (as per Bear Naked), but aside from that, this granola stands pretty well on its own.

1. Honey Almond

At the top of this list, we have none other than Bear Naked's Honey Almond granola. Whole grain oats, honey, and almonds – that's what we're dealing with here, and it's amazing. This granola is everything you could ask for: Lightly sweet, crunchy, and filling to the point that you'll want more. A serving of this granola has eleven grams of protein in it, too, so not only is it tasty, but it's a great pre or post-workout snack. Honey and nuts naturally go together, so it's no surprise that the flavors work well here.

The Honey Almond granola can be used for a variety of meals, and its sweet honey flavors make it all the better. It's not an overpowering amount of honey, either, so you pick up a delightful note of sweetness that pairs wonderfully with the almonds. For many buyers, it's the best granola out there (as per Bear Naked), so why wouldn't you add it to everything you can? Whether you bake it into some muffins or cookies or have this granola on its own, you've picked out the right granola.