10 Most Romantic Destinations
Let me set the scene... You and your beloved are sitting at a table in your own personal paradise. You're laughing, flirting, and sipping on some delicious frozen, fruity cocktail. After a long day spent cavorting in the surf, you're waiting for dinner to be served. The sun is making its descent and waves are crashing a few dozen yards from your feet. The scent of bougainvillea perfumes the air. You spy a waiter a few feet in the distance and shoot your loved one a knowing glance. This is perfect. This is paradise. As your server approaches, you notice he's not smiling.
Click here to see the 10 Most Romantic Destinations Slideshow.
He slaps your plates down and storms off in a huff. You look down expectantly and instead of the fresh shrimp and mango you ordered, you're faced with a gelatinous, foul-smelling blob. The other plate is even uglier and the odor emanating from it causes you to gag.
As you take in the situation, those rose-colored glasses you'd been wearing vaporize. Your date looks less enticing. There's sand in your suit. Is that a bug? Did you call back that client before you got on the plane? It doesn't matter what other enticements your holiday might hold — if the food sucks, everything else suffers alongside it (and you).
Which is why traveling with the one you love is infinitely more delicious when you choose a destination that gives you the best of both worlds — someplace that's both savory and sexy. So we rounded up the the top spots for lovers of both love and food: 10 places that will nurture body, soul, and relationships.