10 Foods That Cure Hangovers

Sure, last night was fun. You had a great time with your friends, everybody got home safe, and memories were made. But now begins the aftermath that follows a night of too much drinking. To paraphrase the famous hangover song, you woke up this morning with 'no way to hold your head that didn't hurt'. What do you do now?

Click here to see The 10 Foods That Cure Hangovers (Slideshow)

Nothing ruins a perfectly good day like a splitting headache, nausea, and general malaise. Hindsight being 20/20, it'd be advisable not to drink too much in the first place. But if you're hurting and in search of a balm to soothe your ailing brain and body, there are things you can do to take away the pain.

First it is important to know why hangovers happen. There are multiple after-effects of drinking, so it is difficult to say with certainty that there is a primary cause of hangovers, but there are several critical elements that cause what we generally refer to as a "hangover."

"All the factors that cause hangover are not known," says Dr. John Brick, Director of Intoxikon International, and author of the Doctor's Hangover Handbook. "But many experts believe that micro-dehydration of cells, particularly in and around the brain may be the culprit."

Dr. Brick notes several other contributing factors, such as a buildup of certain chemicals in alcohol and sleep disruption, as part of the reason why hangovers occur.

We've all heard of home remedies to cure hangovers, but do any of them work? Click on the slideshow to see 10 Foods That Cure Hangovers, and turn your hangover into a distant memory.

As with any major dietary changes, it is important to consult a doctor before making significant changes to your daily food intake.