15 Things You Should Never Say To The Bride

When a dear friend or family member of yours announces that she's getting married, it's natural to get excited. A bride-to-be is an exciting person to know! She'll be trying on wedding dresses, picking out coordinating colors, thinking about flowers, and tasting any number of delicious cakes in anticipation of her big day. If you're talking to an engaged woman, discussions about her wedding are bound to come up.

For theĀ 15 Things You Should Never Say to the Bride Slideshow, click here.

But some things are better left unspoken.

There are some topics that are obviously taboo when talking to a bride-to-be (and grooms-to-be). The divorce rate, for instance, is an obvious thing to avoid unless you're a big fan of having incredibly awkward run-ins.

But there are some things that seem like proper topics of conversation that are actually invasive and rude. Asking whether or not a woman is changing her name, what her plans for growing a family are, and how much money she's spending on her wedding are the sort of things that nosy people like to know, but are better left for wondering parties to wonder about with no definitive answers. For these phrases and 12 other things you should never say to a bride-to-be, click here.