North Korea Might Open A Burger Franchise As Negotiation Tactic, NBC News Reports

A CIA report regarding the likelihood of North Korea relinquishing its nuclear weapons found that it most likely won't be doing that — but the country may be opening a burger franchise. According to NBC, a list of potential concessions by North Korean leader Kim Jung Un includes an offer to open a Western hamburger franchise in Pyongyang as an act of good faith.

This whopper of an idea from North Korea certainly seems designed to appeal directly to U.S. President Donald Trump, who has a thing for burgers — especially from McDonald's. During his 2016 campaign, Trump even publicly said at an Atlanta rally that, should he welcome Kim Jung Un to the U.S., "We should be eating a hamburger on a conference table, and we should make better deals with China and others and forget the state dinners."

Trump and Kim are expected to meet in Singapore (a city known for excellent food, if not necessarily for hamburgers) on June 12. However, the summit has been cancelled once already by the American president. CNBC reports that it is still expected to happen — but we're taking that with a grain of French fry salt.

It's not clear whether any American companies would be eager to do business in the notoriously restrictive Hermit Kingdom, but if the idea does come to fruition, some North Koreans might have the opportunity to enjoy one of America's favorite burger chains.