Avoid Gaining Weight This Spring With These 10 Easy Tips

How to Avoid Weight Gain

This spring, avoid weight gain with simple, easy changes and fitness-related goals. Delve into something new and get involved, whether it's bicycling or a group class. Remain conscious of the calories you're eating (and drinking!) and trade processed, sodium-packed ingredients for fresh produce, grains, and protein. You'll be beach-body ready in no time.

Clean Out the Pantry

Many of us are guilty of stocking our pantry with comfort foods and calorie-rich snacks. Instead, choose low-sodium soups, canned beans, and 100 percent whole grains and nuts, like almonds. "I recommend a healthy granola bar that is low in sugar and high in fiber, such as KIND Nuts & Spices," says Keri Gans, nutritionist and author of The Small Change Diet.

Ease Up On the Cocktails

Be aware of those post-work cocktails. Many of them are packed with calories and sugar. That 8-ounce Long Island iced tea you're drinking contains up to 780 calories. Yikes! Instead, opt for red wine or vodka and club soda. You'll instantly lower your calorie content and up your antioxidant intake.

Eat More Fresh Produce

Spring is here, which means the produce department is back in business. Many of our favorite fruits and vegetables are coming back into season to provide us with the vitamins, minerals, and fiber our winter selves may have been lacking. Try to consume multiple servings of your favorites daily.

Get Active

Now that the snow is gone, it's time to get motivated again. Whether it's walking or CrossFit, try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise into your daily regimen. Not only will the workouts improve your mood, they will also get your heart pumping and advance your cardiovascular health. It's a win-win situation. 

Keep Track of Your Weight

Moderation is key when tracking your weight. Instead of weighing yourself either daily or monthly, try weighing in once a week to safely keep track of your progress. Remember to hydrate, as high sodium intake can affect the number you see on the scale. 

Kick Soda to the Curb (Diet Soda, Too!)

Soda has absolutely no nutritional value in your current diet. If anything, it's filling your body with unnecessary sugar and salt (even aspartame in some cases) and causing you to gain weight and remain bloated. Trade in soda for water or tea for an instant energy boost! Your shrinking waist will thank you.

Limit Snacking

We're all guilty of this. Whether we're picking on ingredients while cooking or munching on something sweet at work, we consume empty calories on a daily basis by mindlessly snacking. Clean out your desk at work and trade in chips for almonds or portion-sized trail mix. Don't eat when you're bored. Instead, have a cup of tea or chew on a piece of flavored gum.

Plan Ahead if You’re Dining Out

Dining out can be a reasonable option if you plan correctly. Choose a restaurant with healthy options, skip the bread basket, and think about boxing up half of your meal to take home before it reaches the table. Most chain restaurants serve ridiculously sized portions, so consider a small neighborhood eatery instead. Be conscious of portion sizes and unnecessary sauces

Sign Up For a Walkathon or 5K

Think about fitness-related goals this spring for instant motivation. Signing up for a 5K run or walkathon with a friend is a great way to get in shape and support a worthy cause. Get a group of your friends together after work to train — it's a great alternative to the usual happy hour outings.

Surround Yourself with Supportive, Healthy People

It's always easier to stay on track if you have a role model to support your goal. Whether she or he is a friend or a family member, explain your nutritional and fitness goals, and avoid anyone who gets in their way. Instead, surround yourself with supportive, motivational people who will encourage and inspire you.