Thanks To Hello Fresh, My Boyfriend Cooked Something For The First Time In 2 Years

My boyfriend and I have an arrangement: I'm the (amazing) cook, and when we order or go out to eat, he often takes care of it.

It's not that he hasn't wanted to cook for me — he just doesn't know how.

In fact, when we first started dating, he put our call on hold because he was "cooking with hot food." I later found out he was making a cheese sandwich in the toaster.

When the Hello Fresh box arrived at my door step last week complete with a beautiful recipe book; an apron; a cutting board; and three small, neatly packed boxes full of truly everything needed to make the meal (aside from a tablespoon of oil and a pinch of salt), I decided to change the plan. I wasn't going to be the one to test out these recipes.

I suggested he just dive in headfirst and try his hand at the zucchini noodles with ground beef.  As in, the zucchini strips are the noodles. Sophisticated stuff. I did not have high hopes.

I prepared myself be kind no matter what — and it turned out that wouldn't be necessary.

It may not have looked exactly how it was supposed to, according to the professional photo in the booklet, but it tasted amazing. It's not the type of thing I would ever order at a restaurant, but now, I might, because I absolutely loved it. The ground beef, the onions...I inhaled second helpings.  

He had similar success with the Parmigiano Reggiano-crusted chicken with tomatoes and balsamic potatoes and with the plantain tostadas, and now feels like he's got what it takes to become a gourmet cook.

Everybody wins.

To sign up, you have to subscribe for repeat delivery, but you can always put your subscription on hold or choose the specific weeks you want food delivered. It checks out to about $10 per person per meal.