Brazilian Lemonade Recipe

If you are wondering what's so Brazilian about Brazilian lemonade, we offer these two ingredients to shed some light: limes and condensed milk. Now, we're not saying that limes and condensed milk a Brazilian drink make, but if any country was going to turn those into pure genius, it would be Brazil. Sure, the caipirinha has reached cooler-than-thou cocktail-du-jour status during the summer, especially since the World Cup (and will spread even further after the Olympics in 2016), but this Brazilian Lemonade is a rich, non-alcoholic refreshment it's easy to add to your repertoire.

Oh, and did we mention how easy this Brazilian Lemonade recipe is? Not only is it delicious, but you don't even have to peel or juice the limes! If you want to make your Brazilian lemonade a little extra special (and turn it into a signature cocktail) well, that's easy enough (and delicious, too).