You're Making Chia Pudding All Wrong

Chia pudding is all the rage these days, but have you ever been disappointed by your homemade chia puddings? On Instagram they are creamy and bubbly, brightly colored and full of good fats. At home, those cooks unfamiliar with the chia seed itself may struggle to replicate those gorgeous mason jars full of chia pudding found on social media. Instead of the smooth and textured consistency, have you ever been disappointed to discover a giant lump of seeds, clinging to one another with such determination that you throw your hands in the air and content yourself with a banana for breakfast instead?

Chia pudding is easy to make, but by simply shaking all the ingredients together in a jar, one runs a much higher risk of lumpy pudding. Hydrophilic chia seeds love water and absorb a huge amount of it (9-12 times their own weight). They begin to take on their characteristic gel-like consistency the moment they come into contact with water. The best way to ensure a lump fee pudding is to use a whisk when making the pudding. With the seeds in a mixing bowl and a whisk in hand, it is much easier to pour a steady stream of the wet ingredients into the dry, whisking continually to ensure no air pockets (and subsequent clumps of dry chia seeds) form.

You might also consider adding more liquid to your chia pudding. The trick to a seriously creamy chia pudding is adding enough liquid to fully hydrate your seeds. If you have ever felt underwhelmed by a pudding you have made, see if adding a splash more liquid doesn't make a difference.

Of course this information is not mind blowing. But, if you have ever felt a little unsatisfied with a homemade chia pudding and don't know where you went wrong, perhaps these tips with help. If you are interested in more recipes for sweet treats, click here.