5 Best Heart-Healthy Chicken Recipes

When it comes to keeping your heart healthy, there are a number of factors involved, but one of the most important is diet. One of the keys to heart-healthy eating is avoiding saturated fats and trans fat.

Chicken is the most widely consumed protein in the United States and, depending upon how it's prepared, it can be either a healthy and delicious meal or a saturated fat-loaded diet bomb. Skinless chicken breast is a healthy option; white meat has less fat than dark meat and removing the skin eliminates even more of the naturally occurring saturated fat. Try chicken breast in dishes like chicken soup, chicken salads, and chicken curry. Avoid fried chicken or any recipes that use it.

Then, to make your chicken even better for your heart, cook it in heart-healthy cooking oils like olive, canola, peanut, sesame, or vegetable oil.

If you're looking for a few delicious heart-healthy chicken recipes to get you started, we've got five we think you'll like.

Click here for our Blackened Chicken with Toasted Couscous recipe.

Click here for our Baked Mustard-Lime Chicken recipe.

Click here for our Chicken and Brown Rice Soup recipe.

Click here for our Southwest Chicken recipe.

Click here for our Rosemary Apple Chicken recipe.

Kristie Collado is The Daily Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.