Distilleries Under Investigation For Spiking Spirits With Viagra

As if baijiu, a very strong Chinese grain alcohol, were not stiff enough already, two firms are under investigation for reportedly spiking their spirits with Viagra to make their shots just a little bit harder.

According to the South China Morning Post, police in Guangxi province have seized 5,357 bottles of baijiu produced by two companies, which had reportedly been adding powdered Viagra to baijiu to give it more of a kick. Adding an unexpected dose of Viagra would certainly do that. The companies reportedly advertised the Viagra-enhanced baijiu as having "health-preserving qualities."

Police say they seized powdered Viagra, raw alcohol, and baijiu in the raid, and altogether confiscated about 700,000 yuan, or about $113,000, worth of suspect materials.

Viagra is normally only available with a prescription and is usually not recommended for men with cardiovascular problems. It is definitely not approved as a garnish or food additive in China.