The Best Drip Coffeemaker

If one mentioned "drip" coffee to a third-waver, it would probably incite a cringe, an eye roll, and perhaps an exaggerated sigh of disdain. Understandably, the drip has gotten a bad rap, though most Americans still use one in their homes because of its ease and availability.

So, what's wrong with the drip? The main issue with a drip coffeemaker is the inability to control the process. Coffee has many variables: water temperature, grind size, water pressure and saturation, and most importantly, time. Most coffeemakers overextract the beans, resulting in a bitter taste.

But for a hefty price, one can purchase a drip coffeemaker that does it right. Resembling an apparatus from a chemistry lab, Technivorm's Mocca Master (what a name, huh?) is handmade in Holland, and was designed in the '60s to brew coffee at the perfect temperature — 200 degrees Fahrenheit — as the water wets the grounds steadily and evenly for the ideal time of five to six minutes; even the SCAA (the Specialty Coffee Association of America) approves.

The process is simple: Add the desired amount of filtered water on the left and your freshly ground coffee in the filter to the right. The filter features a "no-drip," "partial-drip," and "full-drip" setting, which allows for more control. For example, to allow for more flavor to be extracted, place the setting on "no-drip" for the first minute of brewing, allowing the water to saturate the beans, and then flip it back to "full-drip" for the remainder of the brewing cycle. One can experiment to find their preferred taste.

The Mocca Master keeps the coffee super warm, so you can go back for a hot second cup (just make sure you don't keep the pot on the heater too long, as the taste will stale).

Click here for more from The Coffee Experiment.