220 More Ways To Call Someone A Drunk, According To 'Benjamin Franklin'

A couple of weeks ago, booze-minded history buffs and consumers of Internet ridiculousness were gifted with I Made America's hilarious viral video featuring Benjamin Franklin's 220 synonyms for "drunk."

For the uninitiated, the video stars "Benjamin Franklin," who, for six uninterrupted minutes, recites his list of 220 terms that "signify plainly that a man is drunk." And while quite funny (phrases included "Cherry merry" and "He has been to France"), the terms are no joke — apparently they were first compiled by the real-life Franklin in a 1737 piece for the Pennyslvania Gazette called "The Drinker's Dictionary."

Not surprisingly, in the centuries since that list was written, a great deal more synonyms for "drunk" have been coined. And after watching the video, inspired imbibers chimed in with their own modern-day submissions, supplying the amunition for I Made America's new video, "Benjamin Franklin's 220 Modern Synonyms for Drunk (The New Drinker's Dictionary)."

Check out the video below — you're sure to pick up some new terms to add to your repertoire (like, say, "Charlie Brown-faced").

Benjamin Franklin's 220 Modern Synonyms for Drunk (The New Drinker's Dictionary) from I Made America