10 Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Whether you're using this antioxidant-rich fruit to ward off high cholesterol or to protect your skin against the cold winter weather, coconut oil is making a comeback among health gurus, who continually laud its versatility and significant health benefits. With a surplus of vitamin E and a presence of lauric acid, coconut oil is the perfect way to add a healthy kick to a morning smoothie or dinner dish.

Click here to see 10 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil (Slideshow)

Lauric acid, found in coconut oil, is an antioxidant-rich superpower that has been known to help fight viruses and bacteria. In addition to fighting off illness, the saturated fatty acids found in coconut oil are being put to use in the world of health and beauty, as the oil is found to be one of the most beneficial natural ingredients for improving the shine, and overall health, of hair. So, if you're looking to grow your hair a few extra inches or trade in dull locks for a healthy shine, coconut oil could be for you.

We've assembled a slideshow with quick and easy ways to use coconut oil in your everyday life. Use it as a hair mask or as part of your daily skin regimen to hydrate and reduce the appearance of dark circles. Or, if you're looking to introduce coconut oil into your cooking routine, you'll find that it is an excellent heat-tolerant choice when pan-frying vegetables or baking starches. Whether it's in your beauty regime or in the kitchen, this versatile oil is making an impact on the lives of health gurus and beauty professionals alike.

Saturated fats don't generally hold a positive connotation. We hear saturated fat and think of heart disease, or that burger we should've skipped over the weekend. But although coconut oil holds a substantial amount of saturated fat, the presence of lauric acid actually aids in fighting off high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries). For a quick and easy way to add some coconut oil into your diet, use it to sauté vegetables or to as a flavorful baking additive.