What We're Loving: The Spoon Sisters Cookie Stamp

With school back in session, bake sale season is about to be in full swing — events like soccer games, after-school club meetings, and PTA meetings are ideal places to host one. Bake sales are great opportunities for you to try out new baking recipes, especially cookie recipes.

Cookies are usually a go-to for at-home bakers, and although the classic flavors are always loved — chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, sugar, and peanut butter — it's fun to get clever with the varieties. Try out a mint-chocolate or raspberry-pecan cookie, or a cinnamon swirl.

As far as the presentation, sure, it's great to add decorations like springles and toppings, but brand your cookies as better than the rest with a stamp press that screams unique.

The Spoon Sisters, a family-operated gift site, has provides the necessities for making gifts, crafts, and home projects special. We're all about their cookie stamps. With messages that say "I love you," "Homemade," and Alice's and Wonderland's whimsical "Eat Me," your cookies will stand out among the other batches, so try stamping your cookies next time!