Rosé Sorbet

Rosé Sorbet
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There’s nothing like a chilled glass of rosé or a fruity sorbet to cool off during the summer months. Combine the two and you have a refreshing, delicious concoction that will keep you coming back for more. For this recipe, you can make your own sorbet at home or simply buy some at the store.This recipe is courtesy of Winc
  • 1 bottle rosé, such as ruza rosé
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 3 cup fresh raspberries
  • frozen strawberries and raspberries, for topping
  1. In a medium saucepan, bring sugar, water, raspberries, and one bottle of rosé to a boil. Allow to boil for one minute, stirring to dissolve sugar.
  2. Remove from heat. Cover, and let sit for one hour.
  3. Pour mixture into food processor or blender, and pulse until smooth. Over a medium-sized bowl and using a rubber spatula, press mixture through a strainer to remove any seeds.
  4. Cover, and refrigerate until chilled.
  5. Freeze mixture in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  6. When frozen, scoop into bowls or cups. Pour some rosé over the sorbet, and top with frozen strawberries and raspberries.