Parents Support Healthy Vending Machines In Schools And More News

The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news around the food world.

Parents Support Healthy Foods in Schools: Eighty percent of adults polled said they supported nutritional standards for school foods, including those in vending machines, said advocacy group Kids' Safe and Healthful Foods Project. [FOX News]

Hormel Wins Lawsuit Against Iowa Warehouse: The charges stemmed from flooding in 2008, which caused Hormel to lose nearly $4 million in damages and lost products. The food producer alleged the warehouse should have done more to protect the food from the flooding. [Businessweek]

Mayors Convene to Discuss Healthy Eating in Food Deserts: Mayors from Indianapolis; Madison, Wis.; Baltimore, and others will meet in Boston to discuss how to better serve urban neighborhoods with fresh, healthy food. [Boston Globe]

Chew More, Eat Less: That's what Iowa State researchers say; if you chew your food 40 times, it will limit your intake of food. [KTTC]

NYC Subways Close for Health Regulations: In the past five years, 55 New York City Subway restaurants closed for health regulations, more than any other chain in the city. [New York Daily News]