Paul Rudd Once Ate So Much At A Chinese Buffet That He 'Got Up To Leave And Fainted'

Even the charming and adorable Paul Rudd, who is originally from Kansas, had some lean times at the beginning of his Hollywood career. That's why he used to really, really make the most of visits to a local Chinese food buffet, where the rate was $2.50.

This week, during a visit to Conan, Rudd tells O'Brien that, as a penniless 20-year-old, his only means of sustenance was through this "terrible" buffet, where he would arrive with a backpack full of Tupperware.

"I would go to the food bar that looked like a rainbow trout, there was so much MSG sprinkled on top of it, and I would put it in these Tupperware bins and stuff it back in my backpack and heat it up to eat the next day."

One day, however, Rudd's cost-cutting diet finally took its toll. "One time I ate so much of it that I got up to leave and fainted."

Watch the full clip below: