These Revolting Ice Pops Made From 100 Different Sources Of Polluted Water Are Unnerving

When you're drinking bottled water or running your tap through a filter, it's easy to forget how dire water pollution is in many areas of the world. But a visually stunning project from students in Taiwan won't let you forget it. Three students from the National Taiwan University created a showcase featuring more than 100 ice pops made out of the polluted waters in and around Taiwan.

Each ice pop is more difficult to look than the last and contains murky waters, plastic, chemicals, and other unidentifiable ingredients. They're tinted various unnerving shades of grey, yellow, and brown. The ice pops are mixed in with other normal-looking flavors so that grotesque nature of the project stands out more by contrast. Wanna take a bite?

The students first collected samples from rivers, lakes, and other waters in Taiwan. Then they froze the polluted waters into ice pop forms and preserved them with polyester resin for the project.

The project is currently on display at the Taipei Design Museum.

Curious to see how your local water supply measures up? Check out The Daily Meal's Tap Water Taste Test.