Mycoprotein Reduces Hunger Levels, Diabetes Risk In Obese People

According to a study of 55 volunteers, mycoprotein provided a myriad of benefits to obese consumers, including reducing hunger and improving blood sugar management—a key component in fighting type 2 diabetes.

Mycoproteins are the main fungi-derived substance that is found in Quorn, a meat substitute. After this successful study, its researchers are touting the protein's potential. One such researcher, professor Gary Frost, noted, "If you took the results from our study and if they remain the same when applied to a bigger population then it would be an important contributor in preventing obesity."

The study extends previous research on mycoproteins effects in lean people to those that are overweight. In those studies, the protein reduced post-meal glucose and insulin concentrations as compared to those who did not eat the protein.

In this study, these trends were shown among obese people; specifically, mycoprotein significantly decreased the amount of food people ate at the next meal. "Post-tests showed that energy intake following the high-mycoprotein meal was 10 percent lower than following the chicken test meal," the study reports.

Despite this good news in America's ongoing fight against obesity, the researchers warn of their study's limitations. They note that, while mycoprotein helps reduce appetite, they are unable to pinpoint exactly why the protein is so successful. Perhaps it's got some magic ability to help avoid decadent foods. We're not counting on it, but researchers highlight that further studies might focus on the how and why of this surprising and beneficial phenomenon.